and right now...
i feel like i'm over thinking alot.
i just got back from a dinner with a lot of amazing people.
i got there late so i sat at the end of the table..
and here's the thing...sometimes....i feel invisible.
i feel like....i could spend a whole week with some of them..and none of them would say one word to me.
don't get me wrong..i'm not crying out for attention.
trust me on that one.
i just want to feel like i belong there.
I always overthink of how that girl is so cool...because that guy talks to her all the wish i could sing that good so people could compliment me. or man...if only i was....[[and yes..i'm going to say it]]..that beautiful.
i bring myself down a lot...and apparently tonight is one of those nights.
i want to fully believe that God has someone out there for me...i really do...but then i always overthink and look at a guy..and wish that was the guy God created for me...
I hate it. I really really hate it.
I wish i weren't so hard on myself..i really do...
I love life. But sometimes...i struggle....ok..a lot of times.
But on the bright side of life ... God is so good and so amazing. And I know the plan he has for me is better than i could ever think of...
but i just want to get to the point where i can say that without having any doubt...
one day.
I will be patient. In His timing..things will work out his way...not on my time.
i dont know why i'm writing all this..i'm tired...and i just got home...and my mom wants me to do dishes..
seriously? :D
peace readers.
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